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A member registered Dec 23, 2021

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Love the game, you did good work. But when it comes to games like this i gotta ask is there or will there be a gallery area/function. Keep up the good work.

If you have the app joiplay you can run the game on android thats what i use

I cant play the android version its saying something about drastic changes in the android version and that it no longer works is there any news about a fix? 

i yhink shade is considered a darker area close to a wall or a crevice areas. Tho shade is only used in the dessert area so thats like the best explaination i know

A question have you removed the scene about the floodgates. AkA the pic on the game site i cant find it anywhere

as in shade you have to look for the parts on the map that looks to be below geound like a crevice type area. I got stuck since i got a black screen covering like 8 blocks wide on the right and left side of the map so i had to randomly search in the black screen area for the way. 


I need some help. Im in the desert and i cant seem to find where to go ive gotten to the cabin and the cave area but i cant find where to go from there am i blind or is that the end of this version.